Let Me See Your War Face…

Let Me See Your War Face…

As our current world continues to sway towards tyranny then back towards uprising it seems appropriate to have a mascot for the coming conflict. We are not hoping for nor do we have any desire for there to be a coming conflict but history dictates conflict, uprising and bloodshed will most certainly happen.

We are stating all of this for obvious reasons, but just in case a progressive liberal happens to wander out of their Mom’s basement here is a reminder of the crux of the problem.

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You see, this is happening in two different countries on two different continents. We would prefer there not be a third, but we believe these already being built right here in the USA. There have been some images to show up, but what we have seen is still in question. There is zero question about these camps – we have no doubt what there is and why they are being built. History shows these same “camps” used for the same purpose.

Please, I beg you, don’t take my word for it. Here it is straight from the horses…

The sad part is most people are so busy with their family, attempting to put food on the table and a host of other excuses that people use to justify their ignorance, that there is a sad lack of understanding the satanic globalist have AI robots – you know, terminators – straight out of the movies ready to be deployed. No, they are NOT as developed as the Terminator in the movie series, but they are most certainly just as lethal, just as difficult to destroy and serve only one purpose – eliminate us and our families.

Just so you know that you, me and all of us pushing back are not alone nor is this isolated to the USA…far from it.


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